Discussions on women’s integration in intelligence operations in Basra

EUAM Iraq’s Gender and Human Rights Adviser conducted a workshop on "Women Integration in Intelligence Operations", attended by 20 participants, 5 of them were women  from the Federal Investigation and Intelligence Agency (FIIA), Iraqi Ministry of Interior.


The workshop was conducted over two days, on the 13th and 14th of June 2023. Participants came from different provinces from the south of Iraq like Diwaniyah and Muthanna.  

The workshop on “Integrating women in intelligence operations”  was the 4th in a series of workshops on this topic facilitated in cooperation with FIIA. It was the first workshop on Gender/WPS the Mission conducted in Basra. 

The workshop aimed to identify barriers and challenges for female engagement in operations as well as to collect ideas for action on how to overcome some of those barriers. Some of the topics that were discussed and covered during the workshop: introducing the concepts of gender and diversity and how are they essential for the effectiveness of a security institution.

Participants engaged in highly passionate and at times controversial discussions which showed how willing they are to envision and apply new ideas as well as listening to each other. EUAM Iraq's Gender and Human Rights Adviser Anette Schwitzke facilitating the workshop commented:

"Participants very much appreciated the Mission conducting a workshop in Basra. One participant told me, she had not participated in any international capacity building workshop in 13 years of service."

An example of the feedback provided by participants:

“The workshop curriculum is highly useful and enjoyable and is very useful in terms of exchanging and developing information and discussing the most important problems of intelligence work, especially for the female staff. We have benefitted greatly.”



EUAM Iraq’s Senior Strategic Adviser on Counter Terrorism Martin Harrington shared his story of the increasing role of women in the Irish police forces. 

At the end of the workshop, the participants were presented with certificates of participation.

The workshop was a continuation of a similar event held by EUAM Iraq:

Workshop on Women Integration in Intelligence Operations  

Workshop provided space for discussions on women’s integration in intelligence operations

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